Sunday, July 13, 2008

Nigerian Commenters and Blog Spam

I learned something new this afternoon. Bloggers and their readers apparently are not immune from Nigerian Internet scam artists and spam.

Abouth two hours ago there appeared on one of my June 29th posts this comment from a "Richsides": "thanks for the info. we can also get more insurance educational articles here. [URL omitted]"

The listed URL (which I've omitted) was to a one-page blog entitled "Insurance and Peril Issues At Its (sic) Best", and linked to its author's profile, "Biglove", whose other blogs include "Your Job Employment Today", "Fashion Mix" and "Make Cool Money Online", most of which were created within the past week. (Note to blogspammers: it's always best to check the spelling and grammar of your bogus blogs before trolling for relevant blogs and posting comments to steer traffic.)

Richsides' blogger profile included more insurance relevant blogs, such as "Wealth Creation Portal", "Fish Farming Made Easy" and "Earn Income Your Own Way".

So I checked my blog site utilities to see what IP address may have posted that comment and found that it came from 196.29.217.# (V-Sat broadband Internet service, VPN and Dialup s) in Nigeria, Africa. Hmmmm.

Don't bother looking for Richsides' comment. I've deleted it. I don't moderate comments on the front end, but I will delete comments I believe are irrelevant, spam, or inappropriate after they're posted. Just FYI. My first hit of blog spam. Probably won't be the last.

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