1. Adoption of a new part to 11 NYCRR to set forth, in broad terms, the principles to which licensees are expected to adhere in conducting their business in New York.
2. Adoption of a new part to 11 NYCRR to establish requirements regarding disclosure of all sources and amounts of compensation received by licensed insurance producers.
3. Amendment of 11 NYCRR 20 (Brokers and Agents - General)(Regulation 29) to permit the use of internet and out-of-state banks for producer premium accounts.
6. Amendment of 11 NYCRR 151 (Regulation 119) to implement Chapter 11 of the Laws of 2008, effective January 31, 2008, which established a new method for setting workers’ compensation rates in New York. This legislation provides for a new, two-step process for establishing workers’ compensation insurance rates. One component of the rate making process is the Superintendent’s establishment, by regulation, of a loss cost multiplier (LCM). The amendment will also address other pertinent issues.
11. Amendment of 11 NYCRR 65-1, 65-2, 65-3, 65-4 (Regulations Implementing the Comprehensive Motor Vehicle Insurance Reparations Act) (Regulations 68-A, 68-B, 68-C & 68-D) to revise No-fault endorsements and requirements for insurer claim practices and to amend rules related to both the manner in which the organization designated by the Superintendent administers the first party motor vehicle insurance arbitration programs and assesses the costs of these programs to the insurance industry.
12. Amendment of 11 NYCRR 68 (Charges for Professional Health Services) (Regulation 83) to adopt a fee schedule for health services rendered by licensed acupuncturists.
15. Amendment of 11 NYCRR 216 (Unfair Claims Settlement Practices and Claim Cost Control Measures) (Regulation 64) to update the entire regulation to, inter alia, provide notice and time frame requirements for third party claims.
16. Adoption of a new 11 NYCRR 65-5 (Regulation 68-E) and amendment of 11 NYCRR 68 (Regulation 83) to implement Chapter 424 of the laws of 2005 and thus create a process by which a health provider's authority to seek reimbursement for the treatment of No-Fault patients can be suspended or removed under certain circumstances.
18. Adoption of a new part to 11 NYCRR to require authorized property/casualty insurers to establish reserve funds for payment of losses that occur in New York arising out of natural catastrophes.
21. Amendment of 11 NYCRR 68 (Charges for Professional Health Services) (Regulation 83) to adopt the fee schedule that will be implemented by the Workers' Compensation Board for health services rendered by licensed dentists.
27. Amendment of 11 NYCRR 67 (Mandatory Underwriting Inspection Requirements for Private Passenger Automobiles) (Regulation 79) to include additional circumstances under which an insurer may voluntarily waive mandatory inspection of a motor vehicle for physical damage coverage, and to clarify that the use of digital photography and electronic access to inspection report data are permitted.
88. Adoption of a new part to 11 NYCRR to establish minimum standards for form and content of property and casualty insurance advertisements.
89. Adoption of a new part to 11 NYCRR to provide that cancellation notices subject to section 3425 of the Insurance Law should include the date and hour of cancellation, the date of the notice, and, for nonpayment of premium cancellations, a statement informing the consumer that cancellation will not take place if the consumer makes timely payment of the premium.
90. Adoption of a new part to 11 NYCRR to provide rules and guidelines to assure full disclosure of all relevant information within advertisements which describe or solicit the purchase of property and casualty insurance coverage that are published, issued or distributed through various advertising media.
1 comment:
Let us hope that when the Department revises the no-fault regulations, that they retain sufficient vagueness and ambiguity to keep all the lawyers in that field as happy and prosperous as they are now, if not more so.
We must resolutely struggle (to borrow a classic phrase from Mao) to ensure that the Department does not impose any clarity or definition that might obviate the need for multitudinous motions and appeals which are to the no-fault bar what fungus is to the Leaf-Cutter Ants.
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