Monday, December 7, 2009

Announcing a New Blog -- Arbiters of NY No-Fault

Dave Gottlieb's got three.  Now I have two.  Blogs, that it. 

Over this past weekend I created a new blog that will post and discuss just New York no-fault arbitration awards/decisions and issues.  Announcing Mura & Storm's second venture into the blogosphere -- Arbiters of NY No-Fault, which can be found at the easy-to-remember domain  My associates, Bethany Mazur and Scott Mancuso (awaiting admission), will be the primary authors of this new blog, and I'll chime in from time to time.  Our hope is to provide digests of interesting and important arb awards, as well as to track and report stats on each AAA no-fault arbitrator and master arbitrator.  Over time, our database of awards by arbitrators and issues should be a resource to our no-fault insurer clients.  Please let us know in what ways we can make this new blog most useful to you who work in the New York no-fault arbitration arena. Check back in a few weeks when we hope to have a decent amount of materials uploaded to the new blog, which is hosted on a WordPress platform and has several, very easy ways of subscribing to content. 

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