In the 18 months it's been up, Coverage Counsel has seen its share of comment spam. Most comment spam comes from offshore and far away places and continents, as it seems, from my experience at least, that many website owners and companies outsource their blog comment spamming to Asians with computers, Internet access, and a marginal grasp of the English language.
More than a year ago I started moderating comments, in part to spare you readers the nuisance of comment spam such as not so well-disguised solicitations for Florida DUI attorneys, rental car companies, insurance sales websites, and British escort services (yes, that's right, but I can't remember into what post that spam was inserted, pun intended). This morning at 12:53, however, I received another piece of comment spam that has motivated me to adopt the Turk's policy of outing comment spammers, or at least ones working for insurance industry clients.
From an IP address in New Delhi, India, via a Google search of "public adjusters site: blogspot.com", came this bit of comment spam (links neutralized with NoFollow to ensure that no Google juice flows to the client company):
Mritunjay Kumar Singh has left a new comment on your post "Westchester Public Adjuster Companies Fined":
Hi, I was looking for information regarding PUBLIC ADJUSTER. i found your post more informational-- I hope it will help many more as me.
Public AdjustersFound my post about public adjusters being fined for illegal conduct more informational? About public adjusters? Really? Well, in a certain respect, I guess I did, too. And I hope, as well, that my post helps many more than me. We can agree on that.
Insurance Claims Adjuster
Public Insurance Adjusters
public adjusters florida
Mr. Singh describes himself as a "Link Builder and SEO professional" (sic), albeit one with a lean résumé, and his client, as evidenced by the four links all pointing back to the same website is the person-less All States Public Adjusters, purportedly headquartered in Hollywood, Florida.
In the opinion of one, anyone looking to hire a public adjuster should think twice about a hiring a company that outsources blog comment spam to a person who then drops spam onto a post about public adjusters being fined for illegal conduct. Very nice. And so honorable. All States Public Adjusters -- when you read this, and you eventually will because you apparently think link building and SEO is important, you should rethink your SEO strategy. And tell your blog comment spammer, Mr. Singh, to stay away from my URL. I know how SEO works, too, but you won't love my linking.
Postscript (Mon., 7 December 2009) ~ Mr. Singh from New Delphi paid a 5 minute and 27 second visit to this post this morning at 5:21 a.m., Buffalo time, via a "importance of public adjusters" Google search. What, no comment?
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