As we've always done in the past, we will cover first-party property cases and issues in the morning, from 9:00 a.m. to noon, and liability/casualty cases and issues in the afternoon, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m., with separate break-out sessions starting at 2:40 p.m. for auto, no-fault and general liability/homeowners. Since this is something we don't charge for, I need to limit attendance to insurance claims and underwriting professionals and persons who provide services to the property and casualty insurance industry, such as independent adjusters and staff counsel. If you're not sure whether you fall in the category of folks who are welcome to attend free of charge, please email me.
This year we'll be going green, and will not be handing out those ginormous paper case digests and indexes that we've distributed on the day of the seminar in the past. Instead, the digests will be emailed to all registrants before the program, and they will be free either to print and bring copies with them or download them onto their favorite portable electronic device and bring that along.
For those folks attending from out of town, the Ramada has set aside a limited number of rooms at a special rate of $79.00 per night if reservations are made by August 15, 2010. Reservations should be made directly with the Ramada Hotel by calling (716) 636-7500 and mentioning my firm's name.
If you are an insurance professional or service provider and would like to attend this free seminar, you may register on my firm's website or by email to registration[at] and indicating what sessions you will be attending (AM and/or PM and if PM, which break-out session). Please include your full name, company, mail address, telephone number and email address on any email registration.
If you work at a company where others might be interested in attending this seminar or know of such people who might not otherwise see this post or be on our seminar email list, please forward this post to them by clicking here.
Even if you've read every single one of this blog's more than 700 posts dating back to mid-2008, this seminar promises to provide something useful to all New York insurance professionals and practitioners who attend. I hope to see you there.
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