Effective June 9, 2021, the consumer advisory paragraph changed by deleting the in-person complaint-filing option and changing the Buffalo office mailing address. Pursuant to the Eighteenth Amendment to 11 NYCRR Part 216, the paragraph now reads (new language highlighted):
Should you wish to take this matter up with the New York State Department of Financial Services, you may file a complaint with the Department either on its website at http://www.dfs.ny.gov/consumer/fileacomplaint.htm or by writing to the Consumer Assistance Unit, New York State Department of Financial Services, at: One State Street, New York, NY 10004; One Commerce Plaza, Albany, NY 12257; 1399 Franklin Avenue, Garden City, NY 11530; or 535 Washington Street, Suite 305, Buffalo, NY 14203.As demonstrated by the claim file materials we continue to receive in my office (and the email I received just today), a number of insurers doing business in New York apparently remain uncertain of what kinds of letters must actually include that advisory paragraph. Under Regulation 64, there are only two kinds of notices or letters that must do so:
11 NYCRR § 216.7(d)(3)'s Requirement
Everyone knows what a "motor vehicle physical damage" claim is, right? Claims for collision or comprehensive coverage. We're talking first-party, not third-party claims. Indeed, §216.7 begins by stating that “[t]his section is applicable to claims arising under motor vehicle collision or comprehensive coverages”. Thus, by implication, letters regarding third-party property damage claims need not include the advisory paragraph.
Notice also that 216.7(d)(3) is somewhat broader in its scope than 216.6(h) in that the advisory paragraph required by 216.7(d)(3) must be included in both coverage rejection and explanation letters.
11 NYCRR § 216.6(h)'s Requirement
Which brings us to "[a]ny notice [broader than "letter"?] rejecting any element of a claim involving personal property insurance", the first type of claim communication in which the advisory paragraph must be included. A notice or letter rejecting an element of a personal property claim is not
The term "personal property insurance" in Section 216.6(h) limits the applicability of subdivision (h) to personal lines property insurance. Thus, subdivision (h) is not applicable to commercial lines property insurance or to liability insurance.
Letters rejecting commercial property insurance? ⇨ No advisory paragraph required❗
Letters to insureds rejecting (disclaiming/denying) liability coverage? ⇨ No advisory paragraph required❗
Letters to third-party claimants or their assignees (body shops) or subrogees (insurers) denying that your insured was at fault, in whole or part, for causing the accident and injuries or damages ? ⇨ No advisory paragraph required❗
Over the 26+ years that my office has been open I've seen the advisory paragraph included in letters in which it is not required. If you don't care about your company's consumer complaint ratios, then by all means continue including the consumer advisory paragraph in everything written that leaves your desk or office. If, however, after reading this seventh missive you still are not sure whether the paragraph belongs in a certain letter or not, call or email me. We'll figure it out.
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