Monday, September 26, 2011

I'm back... and the 2011 LexisNexis Insurance Law Community's Top 50 Insurance Blogs

Add blogging to the list of things I miss when I'm no longer doing them.  But unlike, let's say, competitive soccer or ice hockey, which my ACLess right knee no longer lets me play, I can take up blogging again.  And so I am.

Over the past 8+ months, some of you readers and a number of my fellow bloggers have emailed or tweeted to ask how and where I was and whether I planned a reunion tour.  I appreciate knowing that some of you noticed that I was absent.  In a way, I'm glad that you missed the new blog content too.  I did as well.

The early morning hours during which I once blogged are now occupied with more life-preserving and -enriching pursuits like exercising and greeting (of the extended playful variety) my granddaughter when she arrives at the house to be watched by my wife while my daughter's at work for the day.  My PCP reads my blood work and other tests; he doesn't read and presumably doesn't care about my blog.  I'm intent, however, on finding and setting a new schedule in which I can make regular deposits here.  Perhaps not as frequently as before, but with definite regularity.  Those of you like me of an AARP-eligible age know that there's definitely something to be said for regularity.

And so it is with a mild twinge of embarrassment given this year's preceding hiatus that I report that Coverage Counsel has again been nominated as a Top 50 Insurance Law Blog by the LexisNexis Insurance Law Community.  You can read about the initial nominees and add your nominations or commendations to the mix by visiting the LexisNexis Insurance Law Community's page here.  While you're over there, and if you approve of my resolution to be more regular, register as an Insurance Law Community member and offer your comments on Coverage Counsel and the other nominated blogs.  Many thanks.

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